Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I'm not touching you...

So we're in a fun new phase with little miss weezie. It's the scream-if-she's-not-touching-me phase and it is oh.so.fun. Now, I love love love my girl more than anything in the whole wide world. In fact,  she said "mama" for the first time this week and while she didn't necessarily direct it AT me it was still pretty awesome. BUT, now we're in this crazy phase where she can't possibly be in the same room as me without physically touching me or she completely melts down.

But on days where I feel like I want to lock myself in a room by myself (ideally with an oversized really comfy bed) or take a 2-hour long shower, I just remember that this time is going to move so so fast and that I need to soak it all in and enjoy every single minute of the snuggles that I'm getting.